For many of us, the past 2 years may have brought about unexpected challenges that overwhelming clouded our lives and physical space(s). With ailing love ones, health concerns, job/financial losses, isolation/lack of socializing, remote work or learning, our lives became more busier than ever.

As a means of survival, we began transitioning outside of our comfort zones, incorporating new processes/ways of living and reprioritizing tasks. But, this new lifestyle also came at a cost. Some of the bottom-of-the-list tasks never made its way on our schedules or was shown little to no attention. Well, at least that was the case for me.

As I began to prioritize my health, work, finances, the welfare of my family and friends, that left little time for mundane tasks such as mail sorting, digital file management, decluttering emails, etc. And as life got busier for me the small tasks turned into a mountain of unfinished business in my mind and physical space. From excessive amounts of Amazon purchases, unread personal emails, toys/games, gifts, greeting cards, uneaten snacks in the kitchen pantry, unread magazines/books, holiday decor… you name it! So, I decided it was time for all that “stuff” to GO – GET ORGANIZED!

To get back on track I’ve challenged myself to 22 Days of Organization in 2022! I put together a simple 22-day calendar for the month of February to help me (and others like me) get re-organized. Click here to download the calendar if you would like to join me on the journey!

I’ll also periodically share DIY tips, vetted products and organizing supplies so be sure to sign-up for my newsletter and follow me on Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter. Don’t forget to share updates on the progress of your journey in the comments section below!

Happy organizing! – xo, April